Arequipa Day Camp is staffed by volunteers from our Girl Scout community. We need YOU!
As a volunteer, you’ll be “working” with campers and Camp Arequipa Aides. You might be singing songs, playing games, walking under the Arequipa oaks, looking for woodpeckers, getting your hands dirty with glue and bits of yarn… Sound like fun?
ALL volunteers will need to attend required training, whether you are a full or part-time volunteer. The purpose of day camp training is to prepare each staff member with sufficient leadership skills, knowledge of the program, understanding of child development and confidence to do the job. Training is fun, easy and teaches you valuable skills while bonding with your other unit members.
Benefits: As a full-time (5-days in camp) volunteer or MCDCC staff:
– Your first daughter attends camp free of charge (100% credit).
– All additional daughters receive about 50% credit ($98 for a camper or ANT;
$37.50 for a PA)
– Your daughters are guaranteed a place in camp!
Training: You must attend ALL mandatory trainings.
Notes for full-time volunteers:
We attempt to place all full-time volunteers first, however, if there are more volunteers than are needed in a session, we may ask you to move to another session.
If we are unable to place you in a session, your daughter’s application will be considered normally.
While full-time volunteers help Day Camp the most, we also welcome those who can only volunteer part-time.
Benefits: As a part-time (3-day in camp) volunteer:
– Your first daughter receives about 50% credit ($98 for a camper or ANT;
$37.50 for a PA).
– Additional daughters pay at the full rate.
– No priority acceptance.
Training: You must attend ALL mandatory trainings.
The ONLY choices are for part-time volunteer are for:
– Be at camp full days on M-W-F; OR
– Be at camp full days on M-T-Th.
This allows us to match up two part-timers to cover a unit (group of girls) or other job.
Notes for part-time volunteers:
If we are unable to utilize a full-time camp volunteer as our bus rider,
we may recruit bus riders who would then be entitled to a discount for their registered camper.
If you are interested in the bus rider position please email us for more information.
– Ride the bus with the girls, morning and afternoon, ALL days in a session for an entire route.
- get BUS RIDER job description (pdf)
We provide special units for the non-Girl Scout children of our adult volunteers. Pixies are young boys and girls ages 2-½ – 5 years old who are out of diapers, and Tag-Alongs are boys ages 6-10 years old. These children enjoy a full camp program much like the girls, while the adult volunteer helps in another part of camp.
• FEES: $50 per child per week, including a camp t-shirt.
• ALL sessions
• NOTE: No bus transportation is provided for Pixies or Tags unless you are the BUS RIDER
We will be happy to have your help for any of these "other ways", but please understand that volunteering for the following jobs does NOT guarantee your daughter a place in camp or qualify her for any discounts, nor does it allow additional girls to come to camp.
We appreciate that many adults want to help at camp but cannot be full or part-time staff members. If you are willing to give a day, a couple of hours or perhaps are willing to help us with a task that needs to be done before camp begins…. WE WANT YOU! If you have a special skill to share please let us know.
Training: You are not required to have training for any of these jobs.
– Bus checker: check girls on and off at a specific bus stop, mornings and afternoons
– 8-9:30am on-site staff: morning children supervisor
– Pre-camp craft helper: assist with special projects or pre-camp prep work at home
– Overnight helper: supervise meal prep, program or supervision at overnight
– Other: if you have a special skill to share please let us know.