Marin County Girl Scout Day Camp

Camp Arequipa: Girl Scout Day Camp 2024

Equipment and Acquisitions Manager

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To supply and to maintain MCDC with general equipment and supplies for all sessions of camp as directed

The Equipment and Acquisitions Manager is accountable to the Day Camp Administrator for the quality and delivery of work produced. Will work with the Day Camp Directors and Business Managers for each session to coordinate certain aspects of the job responsibilities (see below)


  • All needed equipment purchases will be presented to the MCDCC in October of each year for approval and to be included in the overall budget
  • Purchase of general items approved by the MCDCC for all sessions of camp. The costs will be specified (to MCDCC, directors and business managers) as to whom they will be charged.
  • Work with Business Managers to train them well in advance of camp in the following:
    • shed procedures (written)
    • shed clean-up Procedures at the end of a session and end of camp (written)
    • quantities to purchase (write guidelines)
    • how and what to put in unit tubs (written list)
    • what does a typical day look like for a business manager (written)
    • forms to use (provide copies)
    • resources to use (provide a list)
    • joint purchases and donations with other sessions of camp
    • budget management and reporting (written procedures and forms)
  • An inventory of shed contents will be done at the end of the summer sessions in order for several things to happen: 1) for recommendations for new or replacement equipment to be made 2) to provide directors with an idea of what standard equipment and supplies are available to them at camp, and to provide another list of craft supplies that are available to unit leaders for SWAPS, crafts, etc. This inventory will be done within 2 weeks of the close of the last session of camp.
  • Oversee putting up and taking down of all sunshades and canopies at camp and packing up all camp supplies for winter storage at the end of the last session of camp or no later than two weeks of the close of the last session of camp.
  • Communicate with directors and business managers on a regular basis regarding equipment or other items that are needed for camp sessions for the following summer. Donations should be sought by this person as a part of the job. Purchases should be made one month prior to camp after donations have been pursued
  • Receive and respond to phone calls from Business Managers within 48-72 hours or request assistance
  • Demonstrate quality customer service through professionalism and courtesy in all interactions with day camp staff, MCDCC members, vendors, parents and campers
  • Willingness to uphold the Girl Scout Promise and Laws whenever you represent MCDCC
  • Attend Day Camp meetings as needed
  • Adhere to all day camp timelines, deadlines and specifically budgets as they pertain to equipment and supplies.
  • No equipment is to be discarded from the shed without permission from the administrator


  • Must be organized
  • Able to manage a budget and complete budget reports
  • Able to make necessary purchases for camps in the most cost effective and in a timely manner
  • Seek out donations or discounts on all purchases and report to Council on donations over $125
  • Able to train others in a positive manner and make yourself available on all day training day to work with business managers to train them and to set up the shed for camp
  • Demonstrates a high level of quality customer service at all levels of interaction
  • Willingness to uphold the ideals of Girl Scouting as they pertain to the Promise and Law

4/04 pra

Equipment Manager Purchases

Tables, chairs, canopies, first aid kits and supplies, ice cream makers, all cooking equipment, archery nets, storage tubs, and anything else as directed by MCDCC.

Arrange with property manager for GSNORCAL for 2 Porto potties, 6 bales of hay, bee traps and archery net set up and take down. Check and replace kitchen equipment, walkie talkies, batteries and flashlights as necessary.

All Camp Supplies purchased by the equipment manager for all sessions of camp.

Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Trash bags
Hand soap
Batteries for walkie talkies
Light bulbs for shed
Plastic baggies as needed
Clotheslines and clothespins as needed
Dish Soap
Cleaning supplies as needed
Coffee, tea
Table coverings as needed
Thumb Tacks
Hammers, axe, screw drivers, etc. as needed
Box Ovens (using heavy boxes and heavy foil make box ovens and ensure that they fit with grills and cookie sheets)
Tarps as needed

Purchased by Business Managers for each session:
Otter pops (3 per week)
Powdered Lemonade 1 per week
Powdered Kool-Aid 1 per week
Powdered Gatorade 1 per week
Food for camp units' cookouts